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of the same kidney(俚)脾气、秉性相同或相近的



Of the same sort or disposition.This expression was British slang in the early eighteenth century,its use deplored by Jonathan Swift along with words such as banter and bamboozle.All have since become standard.The expression has its origins in the ancient belief that the kidneys were“the seat of the affections”and thus largely determined one’s personality or temperament.

意义如上所示。这是英国俚语,源于18世纪初。英国作家Jonathan Swift不赞成使用这一表达方式,他还不赞成使用像banter和bamboozle这些词。但后来这些词汇和短语都成了标准英语。of the same kidney此种说法主要源自人们一直相信是人类各种情感都源于“肾”,因此正是“肾”决定了人的性格和气质。

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