cymling head笨蛋
A stupid person,after the small,round variety of melon or squash called the cymling(Cucurbita pepo melopepo).In the United States the melon is often called a simling,which better shows its origins,for its name derives from its shape,which resembles the fruitcake caled a simnel cake.Other names for the cymling are the scallop squash and the pattycake squash.
意义如上所示。该词组是因那种小而圆的西瓜或是被称为葫芦(Cucurbita pepo melopepo)的瓜果而得名的。在美国,西瓜常被称为simling,该词较好地说明了它的来源。因其形状像一种称之为simnel cake的水果蛋糕,故名。与cymling意思相同的词语还有scallop squash和pattycake squash。
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